Friday, July 22, 2011

Potty Training Nightmare!

We attempted the task once before for 2 weeks. They were a little too young and well, it just resulted in poop and pee everywhere but the potty, a thousand loads of dirty undies from the accidents and a very worn out, frustrated mommy. We gave in and went back to the diapers for a few months while they got a bit older and mommy mentally prepared herself for the task again. So, recently, I brought the potty chair back out and stuck it in our living room. Got undies and even training pants for the nights. The nightmare was to begin, again. At first, it was the same. Mommy spending every 10 mins asking and putting a kid on the potty. Next thing I know, Hailey tells me she has to go potty. So, I stick her on her potty and she sits there for a couple minutes with nothing. Hailey gets up and less than a minute later, I notice Zoey is going. I sweep her up and set her down. She sits there and she's watching tv for a good 5-6 minutes when I hear her proclaim "I DID IT! I'M ALL DONE!". Mommy checks to see if she did in fact go potty on the pot and SHE DID! YES! Finally, a door opened up for this one, at least. I take care of clean up for Zoey. I walk over to Hailey who's playing with toys and such only to notice she'd taken the opportunity to go on the pot too!! It would have been awesome if it had not been a TOY pot from the play kitchen Nanny bought them for Christmas. I wasn't completely happy at the moment of discovery but after I cleaned up, I had to give Hailey some props! She had gone in what she felt was good enough to be a potty and didn't miss. Nothing was on the floor. So, I laugh now. Daddy laughed too as well as Nanny. I'm sure some of you are too. Gotta love these moments when you realize just how smart they are but yet, still in need of our guidance. Since then, Hailey has gone on the RIGHT pot and we were extremely happy and she was too. Zoey has gone again in it too. Still a work in's definetly a different ballgame trying to do 2 toddlers at the same time. I will be one happy mama when I no longer have to buy or change another diaper/training pant/poopie underwear. It's been a long time comin....and so far, it's not so much a nightmare at all.

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