Friday, September 30, 2011

I apologize...

   I'm not sure how many actually read this but I am sorry for being such a lousy blogger. Funny thing is that I LOVE to write and tell my story. The problem must be my lack of energy or time lately. My idea for doing this blog involved me posting daily on the girls, our lives and the things we go through. Well, that's not how this blog has turned out so far. It's not that I don't have time. I might have a few minutes to type out something but God knows I'll be beckoned by someone before I even get into it. This is a busy house. I am constantly needed. I know, that's motherhood but I have to believe that it will get easier at some point.
   I think that at the moment, potty training is at a point where I have to be there all the time. Hailey and Zoey no longer want to use the kiddie potty, they must use the BIG potty. It's going fine but I tried leaving them alone in there a few times only to walk into a toilet full of toilet paper and them brushing their teeth butt naked on the sink. Yea, not a good idea. It is cute though that sometimes when one is on the potty, the other will sit on the side of our tub and just be there for her sister. When they are done going potty the one will say "Your turn!" and they switch spots. It's what I wanted but I didn't remember how much of MY time this would take..but in the end, I will get my time back when they can go all by themselves.
   They are all so independent now. The twins are growing so fast. I miss my little new twins I held almost 3 years ago. Now, they do it all all by themselves and they tell me that. I get told a lot how well they talk. Sometimes you almost forget you are talking to 2 two year olds. They are just so vocal. I know all 3 are smarter than average but I wont brag on that too much. Their favorite thing to play together lately is that they are all little chef's. Aaliyah got a cute chef hat and apron and they'll put it on one of them. That's the chef. The other's sit around the floor pretending to be patrons to the restaurant. The other day, Daddy put their cool disco, spinning light ball on the floor in the hall and they hung out at the end of the hallway having a disco dance party. That is another thing I love. They all LOVE to dance. I can't wait to put them into dance classes. They'll all get dressed up in tutu's and ballet slippers and twirl around the living room. They even watch Dancing with the Stars with us each week. They are something else!
   They are all starting to get excited about the upcomming holidays. I'm already hearing about Santa and Christmas. I am not even ready for Halloween! I have no idea what the girls will be. I guess I should just ask them! Well, it sounds like my time is up. They gave me a good run here but it's a bit too quiet right now.....until next time!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Month-long UPDATE!

It's been awhile! We made it past all the chaos during the end of summer. We all came home to cold weather and sickness. We had a great time in Maryland though! It was just amazing see all of my family and seeing the girls meet and get to know them all a little. I was tickled to see both the twins LOVED MD blue crabs. Nana got some and they tore down with mommy on some yummy crabs! They took to family as if they knew them for years. I love to see that. I miss my family and that warmed my heart to see my girls blend in with everyone. We got to party, dance, swim and eat good food. Well, I had planned to throw the potty training out until we got home but these big girls had other plans, especially Zoey. She told me everytime and even went on the BIG potty! Now that we've been home, I think we may be super close to no more pull-ups! They prefer their undies or being naked. They LOVE to go on the potty all the time now. It's still a lot of work though because it still gets messy. I think we'll be there in no time. Another big milestone....NO MORE PACIFIERS!!! ONE full week without those pacis! I won't lie at all and say that it excites me. It makes me happy but very sad too. It was my last bit of baby-ness they had and you bet I was trying to hold on to that. It was time though. They were ready and did so well! I'll get past the fact that my 3 girls are not babies at all anymore. At least I know they still need me. They call my name "MOOOOMMMMYYY" all day long still. They are a real handful! I hardly get a moment to myself. I've just got to force it sometimes. I love some of the perks of them getting older too. They are better at communicating their needs to me. They get downright demanding sometimes! I often get yelled at by the "Princesses". They forget who runs this show....and well, I forget too when they overcrowd me with "MOMMMMMMMY!" from all only thoughts are to please them and then sit down. I feel like I am running a circus around here. Another plus to them getting older is that they understand ME more. I can get more help out of them now. For the most part, they all 3 behave and listen well. It's an everyday challenge, that is all. I really do enjoy being able to witness these three beautiful, busy, energetic little beings grow and change. Its just so bittersweet being their mom. Until next time, and it won't be so long, I hope everyone is enjoying life!