Saturday, July 30, 2011

A quick one....

Just a quickie today. The girls have been a big handful for some time now. We're going to take them out and do something so they can run some of this non-stop energy OUT! First things first, Zoey is close to being fully potty trained. She knows when she's gotta go, even just a little and she sits on the potty. Hailey is more or less afraid to go. We'll keep working at it. I had a lot of things I noted that I wanted to share but they escape me sometimes. We're getting up tomorrow to go try out the Pierogi should be fun! I guess that's all for now, sorry for the boring content. Hopefully, I will remember the things I wanted to share once the hectic weekend passes. Have a fun, safe weekend (what's left!) everyone!

Monday, July 25, 2011

This was NOT very funny...

Saturday, Daddy got up early to go cut our Aunt's grass. He was still there at 11:30 so I asked the girls if they wanted to go find him. Easily they replied with a anonomous and pretty much in unison between the three girls "FIND DADDY!". So, first they had to clean up and get ready. That took longer than expected...after many, many times saying "If you want to go to Aunt ______'s you need to help mommy clean these toys up, please". It didn't work until I said "Alright, if you don't want to clean up, I don't want to take you guys bye-bye". That struck a chord, even with the twins and clean up comenced. We were in the van and off to find Daddy! We got there and her house is always like a child's dreams with toys and stuff galore to explore. The twins haven't been there in a while and never really got the chance to just run around with the other kids. We'll, they sure thought they were something big! They went downstairs with the gang and I walked them down, showed them around and went back upstairs to chat. I'm a worrisome mother as it is but I try to give them some sense of independence so they can learn from their wrong choices or be happy about it when they do it right. So, I would check on them often to make sure things were going smoothly during their adventure of her basement. They loved it. Then, everyone came upstairs and I was sitting in a chair. Zoey had made it up fine and I heard Hailey say "Look mommy, come look!" so as I got up, Zoey ran off in front of me to see. They say twins, especially the kind my girls are, identical have a special, unexplainable bond. Well, I see this and I usually love every minute I get to witness it. This time, it was not so cute. As Zoey started down the first stair, she missed her step. I was reaching to grab her but, I was just too late, maybe be an inch. I watched as she tumbled into Hailey and taking her down with her in a ball to the bottom of the stairs. I'm shaking now as I relive it as I type. My mind was blank and all that came out my mouth was "Damnit! Damnit, damnit, damint". I watched my poor babies fall down a flight of stairs together and I was helpless. I chased them down and grabbed them both as I shoke and they cried. I'm SO thankful that the aunt has equipped her basement for the little one's running around. Because of past accident's, the stairs really worry our family. Our aunt and cousins rushed to the top to help me and console one of the twins. I focused on Zoey since she was pretty upset. Hailey cried but she stopped pretty soon. I watched them learn to smile at one another and then laugh. I watched them hold hands, give hugs & kisses, or playing like they are their own Dora & Diego. They've had that twin bond so strong from the moment they were formed, I can tell this. It's amazing. Their first big accident that, thankfully, was not as bad as it could have been, was done together as well. I think it was coincedience in some ways but it makes me wonder how often in their life as we go will I witness such events happening. I feel like my family has been given a chance to see something that is in fact a fluke of nature. The cute things they do and how they act with each other is strong and they have a strong bond with their big sister too. She's the one who teaches them a lot of things they know. They're all 3 a blessing to our family and each one of them makes us all remember what it is like to be kids.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Potty Training Nightmare!

We attempted the task once before for 2 weeks. They were a little too young and well, it just resulted in poop and pee everywhere but the potty, a thousand loads of dirty undies from the accidents and a very worn out, frustrated mommy. We gave in and went back to the diapers for a few months while they got a bit older and mommy mentally prepared herself for the task again. So, recently, I brought the potty chair back out and stuck it in our living room. Got undies and even training pants for the nights. The nightmare was to begin, again. At first, it was the same. Mommy spending every 10 mins asking and putting a kid on the potty. Next thing I know, Hailey tells me she has to go potty. So, I stick her on her potty and she sits there for a couple minutes with nothing. Hailey gets up and less than a minute later, I notice Zoey is going. I sweep her up and set her down. She sits there and she's watching tv for a good 5-6 minutes when I hear her proclaim "I DID IT! I'M ALL DONE!". Mommy checks to see if she did in fact go potty on the pot and SHE DID! YES! Finally, a door opened up for this one, at least. I take care of clean up for Zoey. I walk over to Hailey who's playing with toys and such only to notice she'd taken the opportunity to go on the pot too!! It would have been awesome if it had not been a TOY pot from the play kitchen Nanny bought them for Christmas. I wasn't completely happy at the moment of discovery but after I cleaned up, I had to give Hailey some props! She had gone in what she felt was good enough to be a potty and didn't miss. Nothing was on the floor. So, I laugh now. Daddy laughed too as well as Nanny. I'm sure some of you are too. Gotta love these moments when you realize just how smart they are but yet, still in need of our guidance. Since then, Hailey has gone on the RIGHT pot and we were extremely happy and she was too. Zoey has gone again in it too. Still a work in's definetly a different ballgame trying to do 2 toddlers at the same time. I will be one happy mama when I no longer have to buy or change another diaper/training pant/poopie underwear. It's been a long time comin....and so far, it's not so much a nightmare at all.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just the beginning....

It's now been over 2 years since these gorgeous, fascinating and busy little blessings came into our lives. Let me just say that it has been very interesting since their birth. I can remember it all so well, all the way back to taking that first test and then the other one just to make sure it was true. I can remember thinking this one must be a boy. Not sure why I felt that way cause BOY was I wrong. All was well besides me being super sick all day until I started getting dizzy a bit too often and then blacking out with my toddler running around. That scared me enough to make me go to the ER. That was the night our lives changed. I can remember so clearly how funny I thought the nurse was when she told me we were having twins. I joked and said "You're lying". When she handed me the paper and I read "Twin A" and "Twin B", my heart sunk and I felt my head get woozy. I laughed and cried at the same time. I was alone for that moment but I was anxious to get to a phone to call and give out the shocking news. Daddy and I cried together on the phone. He had to run home while I was being admitted to the hospital since my heartrate was a bit low. He felt bad that he missed that moment but undoubtedly, he was so excited! I sat there calling everyone. I remember the feelings I felt through those first few months. Then, we found out they were two girls. Two new baby girls to work into our lives. It took time to find the perfect names. But, we got Hailey and Zoey in the end. It fits! I can clearly remember sitting on the hospital bed, about to be wheeled in for surgery. Daddy kissing me, then my mommy kissing me too. I remember getting a little emotional at that point. I was honestly nervous. The moment we've waited 37 weeks for was here. I can clearly remember Hailey's cry and then a minute later, Zoey's cry. Seeing them for the first time. Watching two sets of nurses checking up on our babies. Finally holding them after waiting so anxiously for 5 hours. I remember breastfeeding them with ease right away and just being happy they were here. I walked to get them from the nursery and kept them with me as much as I could. I can clearly remember Aaliyah meeting and holding her sisters for the first time. A moment that will melt Mommy and Daddy's hearts forever. I remember all the chaos we had adjusting. Long, sleepless nights. Busy days of diapers, bottles, crying and giggles. It all went by too fast. Our babies grew up way too quick. They did things so early. I can remember when they were just itty bitty. I can remember each new milestone they reached. Now, our babies are 2 and it shows. I miss everything we've been through but I'm so pleased with how amazing our girls are. If any one had a day in our life, they'd see just how blessed we are. I'm excited to share some of these adventures with whoever wants to read. I don't think you'll be bored. These girls are a blast!